Ditch Four Wheels for Two: Bike-To-Work #onthecircuit
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | May 17, 2018

Spring has finally found its way to Philly, and there’s no better way to celebrate than changing up your commute to work for a more scenic route. Philadelphia’s Annual Bike-to-Work Day is May 18, so don’t let the rain stop you from enjoying the beautiful landscape of the Circuit Trails! Commuting to work by bike can help you stay active, relieve stress, and can reduce harmful toxins in the air. Even Eagle’s wide receiver Mack Hollins does it! And with an accessible, connected network like the Circuit Trails in our own backyard, there’s no reason not to take a two-wheeled commute for a spin.
Utilizing the Circuit Trails as a transportation route will keep you safe during your commute – plus, you can’t beat the #views of scenery from New Jersey all the way to the Greater Philadelphia area. This year, our friends at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia will have “Energizer Stations” all over the city with coffee and biker swag to kit you out for your day on the trails! You can register with them here for a chance to win a brand new bike, or dozens of restaurant gift cards.
You can plan your commute by looking at our Circuit Trails map to find the best (and most picturesque!) routes to take.
Be sure to share pictures along your ride, or even a selfie with fellow bikers you meet along the way using #onthecircuit and #biketoworkphl! So break out your ride, or rent an Indego bike and get pedaling across our hundreds of miles of happy. We hope to see you out on the trails!