Looking Back & Looking Forward: Our 2017 Annual Report
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | April 27, 2018

From ground breakings to ribbon cuttings, a 500 mile challenge and so much more, 2017 was a monumental year for the Circuit Trails. Our annual report on past projects and planned developments was recently released. Here are a few highlights we’re happy to share.
New Trails
In 2017, the Circuit Trails added 5.4 miles of new trails for bikers, hikers and everyone in between to enjoy. With the addition of these new trails, the Circuit Trails has built more than 325 miles of trails over the past few years and currently have 40% of the Circuit Trails miles completed.
We’re growing and expanding! Thanks to two newly planned segments, the Circuit Trails eventual total mileage has increased from 750 to 811 miles. These new trails will enable more connections among the Circuit Trails network – and there’s nothing wrong with that!
What’s to come
The 2018 trail season is already underway, and our calendars are beginning to fill with ground breakings, openings and events all across the Circuit foot print. In fact, a few of these trail projects have already made their debut early in the 2018 season! Check out coverage from the South Street to Christian Street Schuykill River Trail (grand opening – and stay tuned for updates on other trail openings this season!
You can read more about last season’s highlight in the Circuit Trails Annual Report
For more information on trail developments and exciting events, check out our Events page.
As always, we are beyond grateful for all those who work hard to help keep our network moving full steam ahead. We are thankful for what the past year gave us, and are excited for what the next year will give #onthecircuit!