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Date(s) - May 28, 2022
9:00 am - 11:00 am
1004 Cobbs Creek Pkwy, Yeadon
Gregory | 3rd Sat 10 – 12 |
All Year | 610-955-9055 | | Mt Moriah Cemetery (Map) | Zone 8 |
Hello Volunteers! Next Saturday morning 5/28 I hope you can join us for the cleanup at Mt Moriah. This event will go from 9am – 11am. Set those phone reminders now! Details below.
Want to get in the CREEK? I have 4 waders of different sizes (see pic below) and they want to go into the water! With the warmer weather, it’s the perfect time of year to remove trash from the Creek itself and banks. Also consider wearing waterproof boots to hit the creek banks/edges.
Please email me ( to let me know you’re planning to attend, if you have not already. This helps me to have enough equipment. Of course if you just decide last minute, please come on out!